Double Decker Berry Smoothie

By Nicola  ,

August 12, 2015

The trick to making distinct layers in this smoothie is to pour the second (and any subsequent) layer over the back of a spoon. Trust me, you’ll see what I mean when you try it.

  • Prep: 15 mins
  • Yields: Serves 2 - 3


2 cups nut milk (I used cashew milk)

1 banana

1/4 cup oats or buckwheat flakes

1 small sachet/scoop protein powder (I used Nuzest clean lean strawberry-flavoured - optional)

2/3 cup red berries (strawberries and/or raspberries)

2/3 cup dark berries (blackberries and/or blueberries)


1Place nut milk, banana, oats and protein powder (if using) in a blender and mix until smooth. Remove half of the mixture and set aside.

2Add red berries to remaining mixture in blender; blend and pour into a small jug.

3Blend the remaining milk/banana/oat mixture with the dark berries.

4Pour a layer of light-colored smoothie into glasses, then gently pour dark smoothie mixture on top, allowing it to run off the back of a spoon (so as not to sink into the first mixture). Serve and enjoy!

Frozen berries also work fine in this recipe.

If you're a beggar for punishment, repeat the steps above to create quadruple-layered smoothies.

Serves 2 - 3. Best consumed immediately.


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