There’s never before been a time when I could publish something online and have even the tiniest inkling that I know (some of) what everybody who reads it has experienced recently. Not the details, obviously. I don’t for a moment assume that we’re all in the same boat. But in a very broad sense, I’m Read more

Spoiler alert: this is rambly and may initially seem to have no substance – just like a soap opera. Which is coincidental because it is, in part, about a soap opera. If you don’t care at all about a TV show with no studio lighting, ridiculous love triangles/hexagons, and the drippiest background music ever (but Read more

Do you ever have the sneaking suspicion that your inbox is running rings around you? Wish you could choose to spend evenings watching MKR instead of working? Slightly offended by that ‘procrastinator of the year’ certificate given to you by your colleagues at the last work do?Usually when I run Take Back Your Time workshops, they’re for specific groups Read more

You know what I mean by a light bulb moment, right? It’s that point in time when something unexpectedly clicks – like when the solution to a previously unsolvable problem jumps into your head. Or you see how things in your life link up in ways you’d never seen before. Or you realise that a Read more

(Warning: this post contains song titles which may induce earworms) We spend a lot of our time working. Or perhaps I should say ‘working’. A lot of the time we spend at work is not ACTUALLY spent working – research shows that we tend to switch tasks every three minutes and once we’re off-task it Read more
Here’s me, shooting the breeze with Damian from…The Breeze. Talking about why it’s important for us adults to step out of our comfort zones and try something new. I do love being introduced as “a lady who knows stuff about things” Read more

People sometimes ask me what efficiency coaching is. Which I completely understand, because I made up the term to describe what I know I’m good at helping people with. But who better to tell you what efficiency coaching is – and isn’t – than someone who’s experienced it. When Libby (the Director of a national Read more

New Year is a time when we naturally reflect on the year that’s been, and what we hope for in the time ahead. I don’t do this in any structured kind of way, and I don’t generally set new year resolutions but I do spend some time mulling over lowlights and highlights from the year Read more

Hello there and welcome to this cray-cray season. I’m guessing that, like me, you feel like you have a million things to do. Some of those things will happen in the next few days, and some of them won’t. We will no doubt be asked, many many times between now and the 25th, if we’re Read more

If I was to tell you there’s one thing you’re likely to spend 11 years of your life doing, what do you think that would be? Waiting on hold for your telecommunications provider? Standing in queues? Searching for lost things? Trying to remember your passwords? Checking emails? Now you’re getting closer…. It’s this: being on Read more