So, the truth is, I’m not always an efficiency queen.

Even though my new branding and site (coming soon because thankfully my designer and web guru actually ARE efficiency queens!) would suggest otherwise, anyone who has waited for me to respond to a forgotten text or proofread their work or return a book that I borrowed will tell you that I can take my own sweet time about things.

On the other hand, when it comes to the truly important stuff, I get stuff done. When I’ve decided something is in the “must make progress on this today/this week” category, I can fly like the wind. The keys for me lie in deciding what ticks the box for “truly important”, figuring out how to make space and stay focused to get the thing done, and being accountable to someone (myself or someone else) for making it happen.

One of the best resources I have, to keep me on track, is my mastermind group. As a team we are small and mighty, we know each other’s struggles and challenges, we support and encourage and shine our own different lights on problems, and we ever-so-nicely kick one another’s butts. I can’t speak for the others, but I really don’t like getting on a call with those fabulous women and saying I didn’t do what I said I was going to do. So, without a doubt, my mastermind group helps me get the big stuff ticked off.

Since I launched efficiency coaching I’ve come in contact with so many amazing people with lots of complementary skills, talents and interests. I’ve often thought how wonderful it would be if I could introduce these superstars to each other so they could support and encourage and hold each other accountable in the way a mastermind group does. And then I thought….I might just offer that opportunity!

So I wanted to let you know that in September this year as part of the Nibl relaunch as Efficiency Queen, I’m launching an Efficiency Queen Mastermind Group (might have to rethink the name if we get some efficiency kings joining too!). If you’re sick and tired of running around in circles and feeling like a headless chicken, worried that you’re not reaching your potential but knowing that you could achieve so much more that’s meaningful in life, we’d LOVE to have you be part of this group.


We all need support when we’re holding down demanding careers and/or creating businesses, taking good care of our selves and our whanau, and living big, bold, beautiful lives. We often have similar struggles – wanting to find more time, contribute more, be more present with our loved ones, make more money, or gain more traction in our chosen profession. It’s hard to keep up the motivation to make changes in isolation. But together I believe we would be a force to be reckoned with!

I’ve been part of three group coaching/mastermind experiences in the past few years (two on-line and one in-person) and I’ve loved them all. I’ve always found them to add much-needed injections of inspiration, support, encouragement and accountability – in fact I don’t think my business would be where it is today without them. I don’t know of anything similar being offered locally right now…so thought it might be time to create these opportunities for people who want them!

How would this work?

The EQ mastermind will involve monthly meetings with group coaching from me and online support between meetings in a private Facebook group. The first meeting will take place in person (in early September) and then we’ll have mostly online monthly meetings (via Zoom) with an in-person meeting once every season/quarter.

Each meeting we’ll have a theme to discuss, resources to share and people can take turns at being in the “hot seat” – getting a number of minds thinking about their business/career or work-life balance challenges and giving feedback or helping to problem-solve obstacles. There will also be wonderful opportunities for collaborating and networking. (And laughter – I expect there will be a lot of laughter!) I guarantee this will not be a moan-fest – we’ll be keeping our focus squarely on how to make constructive changes to help people feel less overwhelmed. There will be plenty of opportunities to make valuable connections, share strategies and tips on how to identify what the important stuff is and get it done, set goals and provide accountability to yourself and others.

These meetings will take place monthly, one weeknight evening (Monday or Tuesday in all likelihood – to be decided by the participants). I’m thinking of this as a pilot – I hope to run it for five months until early 2018 and then gather specific feedback from participants about where to go next. If we love it, I’ll extend it for those who want to continue and we might choose to invite others to join us at that point.

The beauty of being part of a pilot for something new and revolutionary is that you would get to co-create it with us!

Here’s what Beth Tascione from Yoga & Reiki Bliss had to say about being in a mastermind group with me:

“Nicola is one of the greatest listeners I’ve ever encountered. I’ve been in a Mastermind group with Nicola and every time we are on a call together I know I will come out of the call with great ideas and a deeper sense of clarity. She is fully present for every call, always ready with thoughtful and creative suggestions, and at the same time incredibly respectful of other people’s thoughts, ideas, and opinions.

It has been such a joy to be on the calls with her as she is so easy to talk with, full of energy and enthusiasm, and deeply generous with her knowledge. Nicola is also open and receptive to feedback as well, making our Mastermind sessions a real open collaboration. We chat, we listen, we laugh, and we brainstorm together…which is what I value most.”

Finer details?

We will record the online meetings, so people who can’t attend in a particular month can post questions for discussion in the Facebook group and listen to our discussion in the recording.

The cost for the first 5 sessions is $495 (or three monthly payments of $175; five monthly payments could also be arranged on request).

You don’t need to be running your own business to be part of this – I have no doubt that every person in this community has so much wisdom to share in terms of your own experiences, expertise and skill at getting things done. One person described it as being “like the ultimate dinner party” which is exactly what I’m imagining – but without the dinner (although we can definitely have dinner if we decide to).

I’m keen – what next?

You are most welcome to apply if this appeals to you! We’re going to limit the numbers for this round so that everyone has plenty of opportunity to get to know each other and gain support with managing the challenges inherent in juggling multiple responsibilities while doing important work in the world. We have a fantastic group already, with room for just three more people.

I’d love to hear whether this idea resonates with you. If you have any questions, sing out! I’m happy to chat if you’d like to talk about whether this is right for you; you can go ahead and book yourself in for a no-obligation call with me here. And if you know this is something that appeals, please get back in touch by 31st August at the latest – we start the following week.


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